
Thursday, January 2, 2014

Inspiration is All Around Us

I went for a walk this morning with my #1 puppy, Keeta. And for some reason I didn't give much thought to it and we ran out the door. Big mistake... it's only 12 degrees outside. I'm wearing virtually my pj's (in the country you can go out in your pajamas and no one will ever know). My attire consisted of capri tights, a long shirt, coat, hat, and gloves. It wasn't too bad until we hit the gravel road. But, there was no turning back. As Keeta was fully enthralled in deer tracks, I discovered some beautiful gifts from nature. I then began my "collection." Now some may call these dead weeds in the ditch. I would like to refer to them as "preserved beauty." Once I was paying attention, I couldn't stop pulling weeds... I mean "preserved beauty." After about 30 minutes in the frigid temps, we arrived back home to unthaw with a cup of coffee. When the feeling arrived back in my hands I arranged the "collection."

I will use the arrangement as inspiration in the coming days for paintings.

Where do you find inspiration?

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